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Berkeley Summer Programs offers high school students the opportunity to enroll in UC Berkeley courses, explore the campus, and even potentially earn university credit.
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Discover how deep data is revolutionizing the future of healthcare by harnessing diverse biomedical datasets and cutting-edge AI/ML techniques.  
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Inspirit AI, developed and taught exclusively by a team of alumni and graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and other top universities — provides guidance on initiating AI projects, pursuing AI ventures, and preparing for college.
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Bay Area:
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Biotech Partners offers a program called Biotech Academy that provides hands-on lab training designed to give students the knowledge and skills necessary to gain access to a career in biotechnology.

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The College of Chemistry's GOLD programs are designed to empower students in high school to further their understanding of the chemical sciences and engineering.
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Advanced Science Exploratory Program is a non-profit 501(c)(3) offering educational seminars aimed to excite students about science, scientific research, and scientific career paths.
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The Stanford Explore Lecture Series taught by graduate students and postdoctoral fellows is an exploratory series covering the basic fundamentals and current research areas represented by the various research areas of the Stanford School of Medicine . 
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This virtual, two-week workshop transports students into the forefront of healthcare innovation research, exposing students to cutting-edge personalized medicine topics guided by Stanford’s leading innovators and faculty. 
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Stanford AI4ALL aims to increase diversity in the field of artificial intelligence. During this three-week online program, students are immersed in AI through a combination of lectures, hands-on research projects, and mentoring activities.
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